When it comes to inspecting and assembling elements in an industrial plant, property owners would often turn to different specialist surveying techniques to accomplish everything effectively. Most techniques carried out before, however, require people to visit the site in person, which can often expose them to dangers and risks.

Modern advancements in technology, fortunately, have paved the way for new techniques that do not require people to risk their lives just to assess and inspect industrial sites. They have also made everything faster and more efficient, all without costing too many resources.

Quick Overview of Dimensional Control

One of the techniques industrial plant owners like you can fully utilise on your site is dimensional control. It is a risk management process wherein accurate 3D data sets are collected. These data sets can then be used to compare as-built or construction-in-progress models with theoretical ones. This process is based heavily on traditional survey principles and equipment with the integration of modern elements.

The primary objective of dimensional control is to measure all items accurately. It also intends to cut any unnecessary rework as well as minimise the need for hot work or welding. The objectives of this process make it a great choice for constructing and working with pipes, vessels, compressors, rigs, pre-assembled modules, and other assemblies.

Dimensional control helps in surveying the precise location of all tie-ins following installation with a millimetre or submillimetre accuracy, surveying the spools and vendor packages, comparing data sets with the design model, and checking for fit and alignment.

Dimensional Control Saves Resources

There are many ways dimensional control can save your business finances and resources.

First, dimensional control can ensure that everything will fit the first time. Since this process can compare as-built or construction-in-progress models with theoretical ones, specialists can already pinpoint the necessary changes to the assembly before carrying out the actual installation or fitting. This way, any additional rework or rectification works can be minimised, which then equates to less time and money spent.

Dimensional control can also save your business finances and resources as it can predict closing spools. This process lets you hypothetically position elements on their final location in a CAD model. It can then be compared to the as-built locations of the assemblies, leading to the prefabrication of all closing spools to exact dimensions and specifications. This application helps in reducing the time needed to complete vessel hook-up and installation, get everything online sooner, and generate revenue.

The build schedule for major projects can be accelerated with dimensional control. Some of your projects may be on large scale, which would require the installation and fitting of pre-assembled units and pipe racks that may come from various fabrication sites. Dimensional control, fortunately, allows them to be set up and built without any issues as it can ensure they will be built to specification and position them in their final location.

If you need help with dimensional control projects, you can contact us at Shillong Design.