A building can only work well if it utilises drainage pipes. Drainage pipes are pipes tasked to transfer water from one place to another. Their main objective is to dispose of wastewater from the property’s toilet, sink, and others and send it to a wastewater treatment plant.

Drainage pipes can be made from different materials. These materials often include PVC and metal. Even with exposure to weather and ground conditions, drainage pipes out of these materials are expected to carry out their function without obtaining serious damage. They can also prevent water from building up on the property. They can likewise help deter flooding, structural damage, soil erosion, and other problems.

Now, if you will be buying or renovating a home property, you must ensure that drainage surveys will be carried out and conducted by a surveyor.

What is a Drainage Survey?

A drainage survey is the assessment of drainage pipes to identify and find any potential issues. Some issues that this survey aims to identify are blockages, cracks, root intrusion, and structural problems like collapse and fracture.

Upon identifying these issues, the surveyor should be able to offer solutions to resolve them. Some drainage pipes may have to be cleaned and unclogged. Others, alternatively, may require immediate replacement to prevent the property from obtaining more structural issues.

Do You Need a Drainage Survey?

If you are already living on a property, a drainage survey may be required once your water is backing up. You also need to carry out this survey once your drains have some bubbles around them. Blocked drains, corrosion, and animal infestation are likewise notable signs that you need a drainage survey. Alternatively, if you will be buying a new home for renovation, you should maximise a drainage survey right away.

Surveying at any given time can help rectify issues without wasting too much money. It can then ensure that your property will remain valuable, especially if you are planning to sell the property in the future.

Now, a drainage survey does not only involve the identification of drainage pipe problems. It can also help identify the location of the pipes, which can be extremely helpful for contractors involved in extending the property.

How to Find a Good Surveyor?

The surveyor for the drainage survey must be considered thoroughly to ensure that the whole process will be conducted optimally. Once you have curated at least three surveyors, you must obtain separate quotes from the surveyors and compare their service costs. Their service fees should already cover the labour costs and other expenses necessary to carry out the survey.

Accreditation is also important when finding a surveyor. Your surveyor should have all the necessary accreditation and certification in performing a drainage survey to avoid any mishaps.

Another thing to look for when finding a surveyor is the availability of equipment. They should be able to survey with the right set of equipment and tools. Their knowledge in maximising different software for the survey must likewise be present so you can take advantage of the fees associated with their services.

If you need help with drainage surveyors, you must contact us at Shillong Design.