The number of construction projects continuously increases today as more buildings are needed for residential and commercial purposes. But before setting up the structural frameworks of the said buildings, contractors must carry out bulk earthworks first.

Bulk earthworks are construction processes that involve the removal, movement, and addition of large quantities of soil or rock from one area to another. The primary purpose of these works is to increase the height of a specific piece of land. They can also help level the site before carrying out other works needed for construction projects.

But before carrying out bulk earthworks, contractors must survey the involved site first.

Surveying and Planning are Essential

Surveying and planning are crucial in bulk earthworks to ensure that the subsequent works will not fail. Without conducting these processes, it would be difficult for contractors to know where to remove and transfer the excavated ground elements. Contractors may also have difficulties knowing the elevation needed by specific areas of the project site, which can then lead to unnecessary project delays and unexpected expenses.

Before conducting the bulk earthworks, contractors must carry out a site survey first. This survey, which will be conducted by a surveyor, intends to know if the project is indeed in the right location. It also determines the boundaries and parameters of the site, which are often marked to ensure that developers will be aware of the set limitations of the project site.

A survey will also be conducted to know the condition and elevation of the ground. Even the overall properties of the soil and its composition will be tested and investigated to ensure that the site will be ready for bulk earthworks and other construction processes. Foundations, after all, are expected to be built once bulk earthworks are done.

The last thing that must be done upon gathering survey data is to plan the project design and layout. This plan would maximise all the details found on the survey and establish a plan to make bulk earthworks possible without committing mistakes.

Carrying Out Quality Bulk Earthworks 

Once surveying and site planning is complete, contractors can proceed to bulk earthworks.

Bulk earthworks may be done differently based on the qualities of the ground or earth. Some project sites may be comprised of loose free flowing soil or sand, while others may be comprised of gravel with clay. Project sites may also be comprised of wet heavy clay, gravel with boulders, broken rocks, and very strong materials.

To ensure that bulk earthworks can be done optimally, heavy construction equipment pieces must be transported to the project site. Some tools that can be used for bulk earthworks include rollers, graders, bulldozers, excavators, dump trucks, diggers, backhoes, and loaders.

Once these tools are delivered, contractors can now use them to excavate the ground. Others, however, may carry out bulk earthworks by adding earth-based materials to a specific location of the site. All the processes involved are completed with the help of surveyors and engineers who have studied the surveys and generated great plans for the project.

In general, bulk earthworks can help construct residential and commercial buildings, roads, highways, railways, causeways, canals, trenches, and dams. If you need some help surveying your project site for bulk earthworks, you must contact us at Shillong Design.