The Significance of Total Station in Dimensional Control Surveying

Dimensional control surveying is conducted by accurately measuring 3D spaces to pinpoint the area between points. This surveying technique is expected to generate digitally mapped distances and angles of specific components, areas, and many more. Tons of applications rely on the data produced by dimensional control surveying. These applications include ship repair or building, drill […]

The Essence of 3D Modelling Process Plants

Different industries utilise processing plants to effectively treat or prepare raw materials into useful parts and products. Some examples of processing plants that are popular today are gas processing plants, food processing plants, and chemical processing plants. The output of various industrial processing plants may be different from one another. But these properties generally function […]

Notable Industrial Benefits and Applications of Dimensional Control Surveys

Different approaches and methodologies have been developed and adopted by industries to make their operations more efficient and safer. One of these is the dimensional control surveying. Dimension control surveying is the method of measuring three-dimensional (3D) spaces to know the area between points, generating digitally-mapped angles and distances. Many fabrication facilities have been maximising […]

A Quick Overview of Digital Terrain Modelling

The field of engineering continues to expand nowadays. And as technology advances, the number of processes that the said field can develop, enhance, and carry out continue to increase. One of the activities that industries utilise today is digital terrain modelling. Digital terrain modelling maximises the latest computer and three-dimensional (3D) modelling program technology to […]

4 Ways to Utilise Dimensional Control in Your Project

Various industries maximise many tools to ensure that their projects can be done successfully. One of the tools that contractors must maximise is dimensional control. Dimensional control is a tool for quality industrial project output. It is normally done through surveys, providing accurate and documented facts that can enhance the processes involved in a specific […]